Batman Vs Superman…Type 0.8 versus Type III civilization battle!

Tony Wilson
4 min readApr 25, 2016


Ok…let me just preface this with “I have not seen the movie yet but”…it is really difficult for me to watch or even participate in the Batman versus Superman conversations. I mean, I can hardly imagine a scenario in which Batman can actually defeat Superman. Hmm/ok…I think i just heard a collective “WTF” in the Batman Faniverse but let get serious for a minute how is this really possible. How can Batman defeat Superman in battle. I have given this a lot of thought…well not a “whole” lot but enough to be prepared at the next Batman Vs Superman comic-book geek debate:^] The way I see it, battles can be fought on many levels but the most common levels are (1) physical and (2) mental and to be honest…I really don’t see how Batman wins either.

So lets start with the physical…it terms of sheer might there is no way that Batman could beat Superman in hand-to-hand combat. I mean I get it…Batman has a superpowered suit…laced with kryptonian or whatever “deus ex machina” gadget the Batman faniverse comes up with. But it really doesn’t matter, the combination of super-strength, super-speed, heat vision, solar-explosion, freezing breath provides an arsenal that would be hard to combat against. Honestly, it is hardly worth arguing the point with respect to physical battle. I mean lets fact it…Superman could just hurl an asteriod at the planet…sure its overkill but he would certainly destroy his foe. Basically, with those powers it would be easy to destroy Batman from afar! Hand-to-hand or any close proximity techniques would only play into Batman hands…and one would have to be an *aweful* strategist not to figure that out!

So lets talking about “figuring stuff out” or being an aweful strategist. Ugh! This is the most common secret weapon Batman fans allude to…he is *such* a great strategist and mastermind; he would have Superman all traisped up and confused before Superman even knew what hit him. Uhhh…nope! Lets look at it realistically…and by “realistically” I mean without the “hubris of humanity”. I mean I get it…we want to think and believe that any and everything is attainable but that does not make it so. I would think that it is entirely possible that some civilizations are well beyond what humans my ever attain.

From a civilization perspective, the Kardashev scale categorizes civilization into 3 types — I, II, III:

  • Type I — Harnessing/controlling the energy of your neighboring star that reaches your planet
  • Type II — Harnessing/controlling all the power of your neighboring star
  • Type III — Harnessing/controlling all the power of the stars in your galaxy

So where do earthlings stand…well we cannot yet harness all the power of our planet (volcanoes, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc) let alone all the energy that reaches our planet for our neighboring sun. So that makes us somewhat less than a Type 1 civilization. Some say we are around 0.8 or so. Hmm, what about Kryptonians, where are they. Well from the Superman lore, the Kryptonian races is about 100K…yeah that right 100K years ahead of human civilization. Ok, lets keep going, its theorized that a 100K to 1M years is enough time for a civilization to go from Type I (or less) to Type III.

“Michio Kaku suggested that humans may attain Type I status in 100–200* years, Type II status in a few thousand years, and Type III status in 100,000 to a million years.[4]

That’s right folks, Kryptonians are very likely Type III (or very close). Uh…thats a lot. Remember it is not just technology that evolves over this time, the species evolve also. Superman is a direct product of that civilization; he looks human enough but his body, and even more so, his brain contain well over a 100K years of evolution beyond that of a human body/brain. Superman’s brain probably shares as much commonality with humans as humans share with ants. Ok, I’m not a evolutionary biologist and I did not sleep at a Holiday Inn last night but you get my point. Superman is *very* different*! However, when he is portrayed in comic stories, its quite laughable, his body has evolved to an nearly indestructible construct that can harness the energy stars…but his brain is still comparable to a human’s…smh…”turrible”.

Sigh, no matter how hard I try to make sense of it…it just does not make sense. Yeah yeah I know…he grew up on earth…blah blah blah. No! It does not matter…his body is not of earth…its still a highly evolved brain…not at all human. Let us remember that he was trained in that pod/ship during his intergalatic journey. And lets not forget the Fortress of Solitude which would reinforce his native physiology of his 100K+ years advanced brain. People, people…Batman cannot outthink a brain that is 100K years more advanced than his brain…an ant cannot outthink me…my dog can’t out strategize me. I mean I can just reverse my direction around the couch if I really wanted to catch him. Hmm, I gotta say though…cats are fairly devious…they might have a little kryptonian brain in ‘em.

Ok. I’m off to see the movie…maybe Sups will be painted in a more believable light and I’ll eat my words…I doubt it.



Tony Wilson

Electrical Engineer & software developer. Interests — machine learning, augmented reality, exploratory data analysis. Creative writing (short prose/poetry)