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Becoming the “Peak You”

Tony Wilson
3 min readDec 6, 2022

I am a fitness enthusiast and I am always working on ways to improve my personal records (PR). Normally I hit the gym (4) or (5) times a week and try to work on…either weights or cardio. The beauty of gym-life is that it is extremely objective and you can easily measure your progress or lack of progress. I try to tell myself I don’t have to be great or awesome at any particular move or exercise…I just have to be “better than I was the day before”. That is my one gym-life rule/mantra…”be better than you were the last time”. I don’t have to be a lot better…just better…small increments are totally fine. For example, if I did (6) reps of a certain weight one week (or the last time I did this particular exercise)…the next week I try to add a few extra pounds…most times as little as 2–5 lbs. I really like that exercise can be boiled down to the level of effort (e.g., weights) and duration; it is very measurable. I like how it allows me to objectively get a little better…a little closer and closer to my peak. Although there are many different peaks, just as there are many types of bodies, the path to achieving peaks is always the same…you have to get better, get stronger over time. I often feel people but too much stress and pressure on themselves when they set unrealistic goals or unrealistic timeframes. This can result in giving up altogether. A more achievable approach is to get a little better each time. You will eventually reach…



Tony Wilson

Electrical Engineer & software developer. Interests — machine learning, augmented reality, exploratory data analysis. Creative writing (short prose/poetry)